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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Office Product Review (#2)

Ahh the Swingline stapler. A legend in its own right that probably should have won an award for best supporting actor for its role in the movie Office Space.

I didn't always have it this good though. Less than a year ago the only stapler I had was made by a company named Ace. That stapler was made from plastic (the Swingline is metal) and rather flimsy in comparison. Try and staple more than 3 or 4 pages at once and the Ace would (rather embarrassingly) fail. Back then I was of the mindset that a stapler, is a stapler. It wasn't until recently that I saw how wrong I was.

I inherited the Swingline about a year ago when my boss left the company. But I only recently decided to try it. I was trying to staple a larger stack of papers and knowing that my Ace would fail I picked up the Swingline. My first thought was that this thing weighs a ton (1.3 lbs to be exact). To my surprise it cut through the stack of papers like a hot knife thro... you get the idea, needless to say I was impressed.

My Swingline appears to be model # 747 (and appropriately so). This thing is the champ of the stapler world and I will never under estimate the power of a Swingline again. When matched with a package of Swingline staples there is little this stapler can't do (outside of wash my car and things of that nature).

The Good:

- Everything

The Bad:
- The weight might bother some people

Score: A+
Usage: Often

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